Saturday, April 15, 2017

Holy Saturday

Don't surrender your loneliness so quickly.
Let it cut more deep.
Let it ferment and season you as few human
Or even divine ingredients can.
Something missing in my heart today
Has made my eyes so tired, 
My voice strained,
My need of God
Absolutely clear.

Holy Week invites us into a world full of betrayal, abandonment, mockery, violence, and ultimately death. The Triduum, those three sacred days which constitute one unfolding liturgy, call us to experience communion, loss, and the border spaces of unknowing and loneliness. Holy Saturday is an invitation to make a conscious passage through the liminal realm of in-between.

The wide open space of Holy Saturday can be difficult to tread: we walk between the suffering and death of Jesus on Friday and the eventual proclamation of the return of the Easter fire on Sunday. Holy Saturday evokes much about the human condition—the ways we are called to let go of things or people, identities or securities and then wonder what will rise up out of the ashes of our lives. In reality, much of our lives rest in that space between loss and hope. 

Before we rush to resurrection we must dwell fully in the space of unknowing, of holding death and life in tension with each other, to experience that liminal place and its disorientation.

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